-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Song of the Phoenix First Movement: Aria Ranma 1/2 created by Rumiko Takahashi. (C) Rumiko Takahashi / Shogakukan. English version copyright Viz Communications. Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy VI created by Hironobu Sakaguchi / Squaresoft. (C) Square-Enix. No profit is made from this work of fiction. It is for the entertainment of fellow fans only. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part One: Apertura Chapter 1: Dreaming First, there was the burning. Dancing flames crackled around her, threatening to scorch her with their lashing tongues. Like liquid, they flowed through the ether of the darkness in which she found herself; blazing serpents slithered close to her feet, while angry coronas rose from the ground as the most ardent sunfire. Yet, she would only feel welcome in such a place --a haven where the fire would only comfort her, as though it didn't dare harm her. Akane Tendou had always had strange dreams. Everywhere she turned, she saw only fire. It ate away at the blackness of her dreamscape, illuminating it and showering it with warmth. Eventually, all things around her shone the color of gold and ruby, except for one body: the Moon, which hung from the brilliant blue skies as bright as a silver star. Hesitant at first, she tried to walk through the conflagration; she didn't know where she was, but there was something deep in her soul which drove her to move, to find a goal amid the gentle inferno. She was being called onward, but by whom, she did not know. It was a familiar presence, loving and full of tenderness, though she had never felt it before. Her hand clasped another. The touch was soft and unassuming, it insinuated itself into her grip and nestled there comfortably. For a moment, the flames around her flickered and sputtered in a commotion, but she smiled at the contact nonetheless. There was a girl by her side, with a shining face shaped like a heart and framed by a dark pageboy cut, setting off her bright brown eyes. She looked sideways at her and Akane returned the glance, amused only for a moment. The girl that was her and that walked beside her smiled back, squeezed her hand gently, and began to pull her back. Akane was surprised. The flames, previously inoffensive, roared loudly in response to her other's intrusion. Cold blue sparks, the color of cobalt, rose amid the blaze to overwhelm its previous warmth. And as the other gripped her hand tightly, struggling against an unseen force to pull her away from the fire, a terrible wind swept through her body and tossed them off their feet. Her head swam. She had fallen face-first on the unyielding ground. Crimson hair clung to her face, obscuring her eyes and dizzying her as the wind tugged at it every which way. She looked up through the fog and saw that the other, the girl that was her and at the same time wasn't, was caught helplessly in the fury of the blue flames and merciless storm. Her plight drove a spear through Akane's mind. She had to save her. Damn this wind and this fire, nothing else mattered but getting her to safety. Struggling against the gale and her own weakness, she tossed her braid over her shoulder and stepped forward. The ground gave way under her feet. A strangled yelp came from Akane's lips and she fell down, down a long shaft that ended with a shock of water, icy and penetrating like death. Her head sank quickly beneath the surface, and the fire was there: blue, deep and filled with sorrow. She thrashed wildly with her arms and legs, and by some miracle she managed to bob her face above the water. She saw the bamboo, and instinctively clung to it to try and pull herself up from the pool. Akane, the other Akane, was kneeling by the edge of the well and kept shouting and screaming at her, trying to stretch her hand down for her even though she was too far out of reach. The flames all around the pit were gold and lively, but there was an unknowable desperation in their dance. She pulled herself up with all her might, but the water clung to her, made her heavy, and dragged her down like tar. Her hands slipped over the shaft of bamboo, and her legs kicked violently under the surface. The water burned her, her feet were frozen, and the flame in that abominable spring was like a million voices, one hundred and forty-four voices that shrieked death and sadness at her. And, all the while, Akane's screams and the roar of the fire overhead filled her ears with the need to break free. The spring was no longer deep, she could almost paddle to the edge. Akane was almost in reach of her other. Then, a figure as large as a man leapt from a place beyond the golden fire and stepped atop the bamboo pole. Akane called out --she knew him! He was going to help! No. He fell, his black braid whipping venomously behind his head. She saw him drop towards her and was prey of immeasurable fear, and the cry she let out when he crashed into her was more of betrayal and pain than surprise. Pinned beneath his dead weight, she was powerless; she felt the spring water, that cold blue flame, rush through her nose and mouth and into the deepest recesses of her body. However buoyant she had felt earlier, she felt herself sinking instantly upon the onrush, and her terror was even greater. The spring had no bottom; the bamboo had no substance to cling to; the walls were high and unscalable. The water filled both him and her, pulling them down to unreachable depths. Her chest ached with a pressure she never thought possible, and her limbs had become leaden, dead with panic and exhaustion. Akane was no stranger to drowning; the impotence and panic were more than familiar. But this was much, much worse. She didn't sink as much as fall into endless, paralyzing darkness. Instead of the muted drone she heard in pools and bathtubs, she could hear nothing in this water other than interminable shrieking. And when she at last found the strength to open her eyes, she didn't see anyone reaching down to pull her out-- She saw her own braid, flaming red and unraveling in the water, and beyond it a pair of eyes that burned as hot and intense as embers. Then, there was nothing but the dark. * * * Akane rose from her bed drenched in sweat, still panting from the nightmare. To her side, P-chan groggily sat up, half asleep. As her heart pounded furiously in her chest, she put her head in her hands, trying to calm down. Her face was covered in tears, probably because she still remembered the outcome of the dream. That had been the fifth time in as many nights Akane had had a nightmare related to Ranma in some way or another. Sometimes, it involved him dying because of his curse; often, it included the same feeling of dread, of helplessness that haunted her now. Every time, though, she had been shaken gravely by the end of the dream. But she couldn't help being frightened. It was... as if her heart were being rent asunder by the horror that came to her in her sleep. Trembling, Akane took P-chan in her arms and stood up, feeling the hard thumping of her own heart against the body of the small piglet. With a sigh, she walked to the door and stepped out to the dark hallway, then made her way slowly, on tip-toe, to the Saotomes' room. She was hesitant at first, thinking it silly to feel the need to check up on its inhabitants, but opened the door nonetheless. And yet, while the huge panda within was blocking most of the moonlight, what it allowed to see was enough to set her at ease. Letting out a deep sigh, she began to walk back to her room. However, she found it difficult to head in that direction. Her feet made their way forward out of their own volition, taking her towards the balcony. Akane shivered as she came out into the cool night air. With silent steps, she headed towards the railing, grasping it as though it were a lifeline. The sky was completely clear, a rarity at this time of year. The stars were unusually bright as well. Akane took a breath of fresh air, waiting for her lungs to fill up completely before releasing it. Gently, she placed P-chan on the floor and leaned against the railing. The night was so peaceful; it was hard for her troubled heart to acknowledge the pain that it had felt just moments ago. Under the pale gaze of the moon above everything seemed to disappear... the world became, even if just for a few moments, a normal place once more, making all the insanity around her life appear to be nothing but a fleeting fantasy. Suddenly a shooting star, the brightest she had seen in a long time, appeared exactly overhead. Quickly, Akane closed her eyes and began to make her wish. It was different this time, though. She had always wished half-heartedly that Ranma could finally stop being a jerk, knowing all the while that it was just a silly superstition. But this time, she allowed herself to transcend her rationality. She poured her soul into the wish, hoping that, in spite of all reason, it could come true. Soon, the strength of her request became so great, so insistent, it was more of a prayer than a mere wish. Opening her eyes, she followed the shooting star as it continued its journey. Oddly enough, it was almost as though it shone even brighter than before. Turning away, Akane picked up her pet pig and headed back inside. She just stood in the entryway for a moment, catching her final glimpse of the star until, with a sigh, she went back to her room. "Please," she continued, "this time it has to work." * * * Lost deep in the rugged peaks of the Bayan Har Shan Mountains, in the Tibetan region of China, lay a secluded valley forever shrouded in mist. Set at the foot of Mt. Kensei, it shone with a silvery light, glittering like a sea of stars to mirror those in the sky above. Bestrewn with springs and pools that numbered well over a hundred, the valley of Jusenkyou was unusually quiet that night. If only the wind could howl, the Guide considered, looking over the springs from his doorstep. At least then he could get a decent night's sleep. The absolute silence that pervaded the night was far more dreadful, and it set his teeth on edge. It seeped into the ground and through the walls to still them, and so any sound louder than his own breathing would quickly fade away as if embarrassed for making such a racket. The springs, his constant wards, felt just as alien to him. Normally, they would ripple and surge even in the lightest breeze, and the bamboo would sway and dance along with them. Tonight, the poles were cast in steel, driven through icy mirrors that shone with the very same faint, spectral light that ordinary water isn't supposed to have. And even though they were haunted springs, and some leeway was to be expected, the Guide was familiar enough with Jusenkyou to know what passed for normal, and what was definitely not. A silence so deep that it extinguished all sound, allowing for a sensation of hundreds of voices, wafting wraith-like from every single pool... That was not normal. None of the previous Guides had ever mentioned them in their journals. And that was because, for all its horror and tragedy, Jusenkyou was nothing more than an amazing sight at daytime, and a foreboding presence at night. As he closed the door shut and tried to return to his cot, the Guide was overcome by the feeling that, this night, Jusenkyou had grown infinitely larger --and infinitely more fearsome. Thus, when he heard the crash, he nearly jumped up out of his skin and through the roof of his house. Clutching his chest to keep his heart from bursting out, the Guide stumbled over to the door. He fumbled with the doorknob, rattling it in the wood in his anxiety, but he managed to crack open just enough of a gap to peer through. There was very little he could see, however. The mist over the springs was fainter, as though it had been blown away, but it was quickly roiling back into place. He could hear, though, that the springs were agitated; the water churned and bubbled as if boiling, and a few of their bamboo shoots were slapping noisily against each other. There was something shining nearby, though, and that caught his attention: it was a bright, pulsing light, which cast flickering shadows across the ground. For an instant, he thought that it was a car that a new customer had arrived on; he quickly dismissed that thought, knowing that the roads leading to and from Jusenkyou were far too rugged and narrow for any vehicle larger than a wooden cart. Curious, the Guide armed himself with a frying pan and a cowardly disposition, swallowing in worry before stepping out of the house and into the countryside. Then he found the source of the glow, hanging in the air just above the pools, and he decided that the immense, glowing spark of devilish light was one of those Jusenkyou things that were _not_ normal. He scrambled into his house and under the cot in record time. After a few minutes of waiting for another terrible, Jusenkyou-created beast to slither or stomp or sweep into his abode, the Guide risked a peek from under the cot. The table was still in one piece, which was good. The house was still standing, which was better. The door was still closed, and the evil light that came in through the gaps around the doorframe was quickly fading into darkness. Likewise, the trail of smoke coming in through the window was weakening from a furious red into a rather ordinary shade of black. Wait. Slowly, the Guide crawled out from his humble hiding spot and peered out the window. Sure enough, there was a faint trail of smoke leading into the forest behind his house, where the ground had been rent into a wide, deep gash. Low moaning came from the woods as well. He decided that, finally, enough was enough. Cowardice or no cowardice, Jusenkyou beasts or no Jusenkyou beasts, he was fed up with customers arriving at the strangest times by the strangest means to end up transformed into the strangest things by the cursed waters. Especially when they ruined his backyard. Running out the door, the Guide raised a lantern over his head to light the way along the groove. The strange light above the springs had vanished, leaving no traces save whatever it was that had crashed through his garden and was currently emitting a pained moaning. After reaching the end of the trench, though, the Guide decided that he would have preferred to find no traces at all. It was an enormous egg, nearly six feet wide and eight feet long. Colored bronze, it gave off a metallic glint in the moonlight. Sure enough, when the Guide tapped it with a knuckle, he confirmed it was metal, and hollow. Also, he noticed, it was extremely cold. There was another moan, almost as if in response to his knocking. For a moment, he recalled that a tribe from the vicinity of Jusenkyou used eggs similar to this for capturing enemies. However, even those people didn't use metal ones, much less leave them unguarded. Curious, he peered around the shell to try and find a way to open it. He didn't need to search for long, though. After just a few seconds, the egg itself evanesced quietly into thin air. A few purplish- blue sparks ran across the fading surface, lighting up the forest, until finally the shell vanished to leave the Guide staring agape at the figure within... ...and at the wondrous beast that lay beside it. Unbeknownst to him, the water of the springs of Jusenkyou began to ripple, shedding a faint azure glow, almost like a blue flame, into the silent darkness. Chapter 2: Family Akane looked on wistfully as the landscape slid at high speeds outside the window. Far in the distance, the mountains slowly rolled past her, disguising the swift pace of the train as it hurried onwards. She had always enjoyed train rides. They gave her a chance to see much more of her country than she usually had the chance. And, unlike training trips, they allowed her to sit in her own, peaceful world while the rest of the world blurred in and out of existence. However, she was much too distraught at the moment to bask in her personal pleasure. That dream had come again last night, much more intense than ever. This time, though she hadn't had anything as distinctly horrifying as the nightmare about drowning, it had flooded her heart with such deep melancholy she found it hard to enjoy even such a simple pleasure. She had been standing outside the Dojo, with Mrs. Saotome and another, unfamiliar woman behind her. In the distance, she beheld an enormous tree, taller than even the Tokyo Tower. She knew she was crying: her cheeks were red and wet, and her eyes were dry. Beyond the tree, the sun glowed brightly, its rays falling like golden columns amid the thick foliage. Ranma was running away from her. Akane could still feel her heart twist horribly in her chest at the sight of the slender, almost wispy redhead leaving home, her hair waving freely like a solar flare. Akane reached out; she tried to stop Ranma from going towards that tree, but her fiance would only turn back at her, smile, and continue to run. Then, when the petite figure had faded from sight, there would be a great burst of light at the root of the tree, and a gigantic, armored creature would rise and let out a bellow as frightening and powerful as the roar of the earth itself. She shook her head, wishing away those images before they could bring about more tears, and concentrating on the panorama outside her window. It had been two months since she had had a dream as appalling as this; but as terrible as the images of the fire and drowning in the spring had been back then, even they hadn't conjured the awful heartache that last night had left her with. It was as if a part of her soul were being ripped from her, even now. Turning around, Akane peeked through the gap between the seats to glimpse at the back of Ranma's head, his attention barely caught by a martial arts magazine someone had abandoned on the train. Uncle Saotome, in the opposite seat, was snoring the trip away, a snot bubble in his nostril being the only indication that he wasn't a particularly lumpy mannequin. With a sigh, she dumped herself on her seat and closed her eyes. They were just nightmares, she told herself. Maybe... maybe something in her heart was trying to give her a warning; the visions always ended with Ranma and her being torn apart in one way or another. But... she had not had those dreams in a while. She had seen the beginning of summer, and the trips to the beach and to that villa by the lake without the slightest image in her sleep. Then again, maybe the business with that gigantic jellyfish, and what Ryouga-kun and Akari had gone through yesterday had reminded her that she wouldn't be able to deny her true feelings for much longer... hence the dreams about Ranma leaving. Nonsense, she told herself. True, she and Ranma had been getting along much better now, and maybe they did feel something... but it was certainly not _that_. Why, the pervert still held on to those other girls and kept insulting her like the immature jerk he was. Especially that last time Auntie Saotome visited... Oo, the idiot was actually glad his breasts were bigger than Akane's own! And then that mirror-copy last month... She stood up and slapped her hands to her cheeks a couple of times. There she was, trying to avoid getting upset at the dreams, and she ends up angry anyway. Stop, think about school, think about martial arts, think about that lady with the long wrapped bundle over her shoulder, very much like Mrs. Sao-- Akane froze, her hands on her cheeks, in a pose that could have inspired Edvard Munch. Mrs. Saotome! But what was she doing here? Had Auntie heard that Ranma and Uncle would be going to the beach along with the Tendous? Was she visiting relatives? Why was she still carrying that stupid sword around? At least she was walking away, towards the restroom at the front of the car. Otherwise... No, wait. Ranma! Gotta warn Ranma that his mother was here! Ducking behind the seats until Mrs. Saotome entered the lavatory, Akane suddenly pulled herself around and whirled to face Ranma straight on. Across the isle, her father had a newspaper draped over his face while Kasumi contentedly read a book. Only Nabiki had taken notice of what had surprised Akane, and was smirking devilishly as if questioning her ability to get out of this mess. "Ranma!" she whispered fiercely, earning a wide yawn from the pigtailed boy. "Get up, stupid! Your mother is here!" With the trained reflexes of a life on the run, Genma blew out his snot bubble, grabbed his son and leapt out the nearest open window --realizing a second too late he was on a moving train rather than in the Tendou living room. Akane and Nabiki nearly fell over in surprise. "YOU STUPID IDIOT!" a rather angry male voice fought over the loud roar of the wind outside. "What the hell are you doing?!" "A martial artist must... ungh! ...always be ready for anything!" contested another voice, and a large hand clamped itself over the edge of the window. Akane immediately grabbed hold of it and pulled --taking Genma back into the train. He wasted no time in dashing towards the restroom at their end of the car and hiding himself inside. Meanwhile, a farmer and his cow were somewhat surprised to see a train speed by in the distance, a red and black, human-shaped banner hanging from the side of one of its windows. The cow mooed appreciatively. "Ranma!" Akane cried, leaning out the window. "What are you DOING?! Get back in here!" "Thought I'd get some fresh air, you idiot, what do you THINK I'm doing!" He managed to pull his torso back into the car, his limbs flailing at any handholds and finding none. "Gimme your hand!" "Oh? Why, hello, Akane-chan!" Both teens froze at the voice --a decidedly stupid thing to do when your lower body is flapping like a flag outside a fast-moving vehicle-- and Akane shut the window, trying to hide her fiance from the also fast-moving mother that had spotted her and was rapidly approaching. "A-auntie Saotome!" Akane's eyes had taken that deer-in-the- headlights look again. "Wh-what a coincidence to meet you here!" "Indeed. Are you on vacation too?" was Mrs. Saotome's cheery reply. The matriarch seemed even more spirited than ever, and her smile was dazzling. All of Akane's anxieties were allayed at the sight. Even those related to her fiance cum windsock, unfortunately. "Y-yes, we're going to an inn by the beach," Akane said, smiling back at the older woman. "And you, obasama?" Mrs. Saotome shifted her wrapped sword to the other arm, "I'm visiting some relatives. I also wanted to drop by the memorial of the Saotome family to ask my ancestors for advice regarding my son." She suddenly looked hopeful, "Did he come with you? Is he here?" The dreaded question had finally come again. Akane could only sigh ruefully and shake her head, "I'm sorry, Auntie. He, um, he and Uncle Saotome had to stay home to take care of the Dojo. And, uh..." she added as an afterthought, "...they said they would probably leave soon anyway on another training trip." Nodoka let out a sad breath. "I thought so. Really, I must have the worst timing. They never seem to be around when I visit..." She suddenly brightened, and said, "Well, it doesn't matter. I finally caught up with him last time, even if I didn't see his face. Tell me, Akane-chan, are you enjoying the summer?" Akane thought she had nodded; her mind had finally recalled her fiance's predicament, and she devoted little attention to the twenty minutes of small talk that followed. She winced in particular when the train went inside a tunnel almost two minutes long. Of course, the thunderstorm that waited for them outside the tunnel was quite bad too. Then, almost in passing, she recalled how resourceful her fiance was. By now, he had most certainly climbed down the cars and gotten back in through another window. Yes, he must be inside already, and he would probably sneak up behind her in a few minutes, all disheveled and wind-swept but otherwise fine. Thus relieved, it was until she and Nodoka had had some tea, talked about school and debated about the finer points of a good curry, that Mrs. Saotome left to bring over her baggage --and Akane finally noticed the red fabric caught in the window frame. When she finally composed herself and managed to pull in a ghastly, soot and mud-covered redhead whose skin was making an excellent impression of polished marble, Akane realized that cats were probably no longer Ranma's only fear. "F-fa-fast..." Ranma mumbled, her eyes bloodshot, "T-too fa- faast... Big tunnel... Light at the end..." Akane grimaced, then tried to push her frozen fiance towards the back of the car, trying to find a hiding place before Mrs. Saotome could-- "Dear goodness! Ranko-chan, what happened to you?!" "S-so... co-coold... Everything... dark..." chattered the girl. Akane flinched, and tried to distract Nodoka with a nervous grin while trying to pull Ranma away. "Sh-she just slipped in the bathroom and got wet, right, Ranko-chan?" she tried, laughing foolishly. The matriarch would have none of that, though. "But look at you! Your clothes are all dirty, and look at your hair!" She easily took Ranma from Akane's grip and pulled her along to the lavatory, all while bringing along one of her bags with her other hand. With a motherly tone, she soothed the tottering girl while leading her away to the end of the car. "It's a shame we only have cold water in that tiny restroom," she said, "but we can't have you dripping mud all over the train, now, can we?" "W-wait, Auntie...!" Akane reached out, but there was no getting through to Nodoka while she was in full-blown Protective Mom mode. She could only watch and wait as mother and "daughter" disappeared behind the restroom door. A few minutes later, they reemerged --to Akane's great surprise. Nodoka smiled at her charge, "There, now. Don't you feel better in those clean clothes?" Akane stared, and bit her lip to suppress a wry giggle. Ranma was wearing a flowing white sundress, tight as a glove at the torso but with a skirt that flared widely below the hips, with a revealing off-the- shoulder neckline that exposed just enough cleavage to boast of healthy femininity while remaining decent. Even her hair, still moist and heavy, had been rearranged to a more feminine style, though it still sported its usual braid. Matching white shoes and a bow at the end of her new ponytail completed the ensemble. The only thing that marred the look was the mortified grimace cast on the face of a very conscious, and very red-faced redhead. "You look so cute and feminine, Ranko-chan!" praised Nodoka happily. Akane was having a very hard time keeping herself from exploding in laughter. As crimson-cheeked as her fiancee, she asked, "Uh, um... Auntie? Where did you get the dress?" "This?" Nodoka smiled, leading a rather reluctant Ranko back to their seats. "It's something I wore when I was your age. It fits Ranko-chan very well, don't you think?" Akane regarded her for an instant, trying to reconcile the tight, almost risque outfit with her kimono-clad mother-in-law. A raised eyebrow was all she could manage. For her part, Ranma was trying her damndest not to gag. "So, um, you were saying you were visiting relatives, Auntie?" Ranma perked up visibly, and turned upwards to glance at her mother. Relatives? She had never heard of her family save for the immediate one, and she realized, to her surprise, that she had not worried much about this fact either. Her curiosity piqued, she listened attentively to Nodoka's words. "Yes, I am," the Saotome matriarch nodded and sat, followed by the two girls, who sat opposite to her. "I'm visiting my sister, Mayumi." She reached forward and patted Akane's hand. "You might want to come along, Akane-chan. Ranma's uncle has been wanting to meet you for some time now." Turning to the redhead, she added, "And I'm sure you would love to meet Ranma's cousin, Ranko-chan. I think you two would get along nicely." Ranma winced, hoping to the nearest available deities that her mother wasn't trying to set her up with her own cousin. Nevertheless, the wistful look on Nodoka's face, combined with her own aroused curiosity, pushed her forth with a question. "A-auntie, can we go with you?" "Of course, Ranko-chan!" Mrs. Saotome replied cheerily, then blinked as Akane suddenly grabbed the redhead's pigtail and pulled her towards the back of the car. "Akane-chan?" "Would you excuse us for a second, Auntie?" Akane smiled sweetly and dragged a protesting Ranma along. "What's the big idea?" screeched the shorter girl, out of earshot, as she rubbed her abused scalp. "Didn't you say you'd show yourself as a man the next time Auntie came over?" Akane said. "Now you'll get your relatives into this whole mess too!" Ranma sighed, and slumped her shoulders. "I know, I know. I just didn't think we'd run into her so soon, and... well... Pop never said anything about me having a cousin..." She looked up at Akane with an odd, yearning expression that the Tendou girl had never seen in her fiance. "Fine, I guess it's all right," Akane finally conceded. "But do you really want your relatives to meet you as 'Ranko'?" "I'll think of something," Ranma said. "I dunno, I'll tell them the truth when Mom's not around. Who knows, maybe they'll help me out," she finished with a smirk. Though she was still dubious, Akane agreed. Perhaps Ranma was right for once; if his relatives learned of his curse, and heard his side of the story, they might help him become reunited with his mother. But still, even if they weren't so inclined, this was nevertheless a chance for Ranma and Nodoka to become closer, and maybe allow him to reveal himself to her. Whatever the outcome, Akane was sure that this would be a very, very awkward holiday all the same. She just hoped it wouldn't be as disastrous as Mrs. Saotome's last visit? * * * It seemed only a few minutes had passed before they arrived at the station. Having decided to accompany Nodoka, Akane and Ranma went to claim their baggage while the elder Saotome hailed a taxi -- causing her to completely miss a panda wearing a straw hat and sunglasses inconspicuously prancing out of the train station. The rest of the Tendous followed, leaving the two girls in Mrs. Saotome's care while they left for their beachside inn. For their part, the three women were headed for an inn themselves: the Hisame Hotel, owned and maintained by Nodoka's sister Mayumi and her husband Ryousei. Ranma's mother had refrained from saying much about it, or about her sister's family, and Akane was left with the impression that it was a sensitive subject even for someone with Nodoka's frank demeanor. All that she revealed was that Mayumi, unlike her older sister, had married into her husband's family, and that he was a doctor while she was a part-time teacher at a local grade-school. When the cab arrived at their destination, a resort set on a cliff overlooking the ocean, she began to understand Nodoka's diffidence The Hisame Hotel was relatively large for its type, a dozen bungalows arranged between the precipice and a large manor, all built in a grove of lush and humid broadleaf trees, which were clumped together so tight it was difficult to see more than two cabins at once for all the thick foliage. And while said bungalows were built in an eclectic variety of styles --from Caribbean palapas to wooden villas and even an adobe hut-- the manor itself was distinctly Japanese, a two-story rectangular building enclosing a beautiful garden, which was visible through the front gates. Sadly, Akane noticed, there were tell-tale signs of neglect all around the property. There were wide cracks in the plaster, more than a few rotted floorboards, missing roof tiles, and a noticeable amount of undergrowth which obscured the roads and walkways across the grounds, giving the impression that the inn had been all but abandoned. There were gardening and construction tools leaning against the outside wall, but even those were rusted and cobwebbed. "Geez, what a dump," Ranma muttered under her breath. Akane silenced her with a precise elbow to the gut. Nodoka didn't appear to have heard her, though. Her expression, though projecting an outwards smile, was completely unreadable, and was so out of character for her it bothered Akane. Before she could try to understand Nodoka's attitude, however, a tall, auburn-haired woman stepped out of the manor to call, "Nono-neechan, hello!" "Good morning, Mayu-chan," replied Nodoka with an honest, filial smile, while the two girls stared at her oddly over the "Nono" moniker. "I brought along two more guests that wanted to meet you, if that's all right..." Mayumi faltered for a moment, but quickly returned the smile with equal fervor. "Of course it is, now come in, come in! Ryo will come down shortly too." Nodoka agreed, and pulled Akane and Ranma forth to introduce them. "Mayumi, these are Akane-chan, Ranma's fiancee, and Ranko-chan, her cousin. Girls, this is my little sister, Mayumi Hisame." No sooner had the introductions finished that Mayumi all but squealed in delight, gushing over both girls incessantly. They both grinned nervously at her reaction. "N-nice to meet you, Hisame-san," Akane croaked out. "I finally met my nephew's fiance!" Mayumi said. With a knowing smile, she turned to Nodoka. "And you were so worried about the agreement between Genma and Tendou-san. Oh, I can just tell she'll be perfect for Ranma." Akane blushed, while Ranma suddenly became fascinated with the caterpillar crawling across her foot. Her thorough zoological analysis was interrupted when Mayumi took her by the shoulders and fixed a critical eye on her. "So this is Ranko-chan, hm?" she said with a hint of amusement. "I see what you mean, Nono-neechan. She and Rui-chan would get along wonderfully." Pointing at Ranma's pigtail, she snickered and added, "They'd be a perfect match, ne?" Nodoka giggled, setting Ranma even further on edge. At that point, the redhead gazed up at her aunt, the briefest hint of recognition crossing her face. A hair shorter than her elder, Mayumi was clearly Nodoka's sister, with seawater eyes and copper- colored hair that hung freely down her back. Her style of dress was also much less formal, however, consisting of an ordinary pastel blouse and loose slacks. For her part, Akane instantly saw the resemblance. Between Ranma, Nodoka and Mayumi, it was obvious where the dominant genes went. Ranma's cousin was probably a younger version of her fiance's male form. Mayumi led them into the manor proper for a quick tour of the facilities. As she had thought initially, Akane saw that the manor was indeed built like a rectangular enclosure: the first floor contained the utility rooms, kitchen, individual rooms for the Hisame family, and a large open-air bath, built around the central garden. Guest rooms were located in the upper floor. A rather spacious hall, fashioned as the hotel's recreation room, dominated the center of the manor directly opposite to the gates. Both floors of the manor had wooden walkways --with handrails to prevent people from falling into the garden's koi ponds-- that ran all along the interior of the compound. Though the corridors and the rooms weren't as decayed as the rest of the inn, and the garden appeared impeccably cared for, there were still more than a few signs that the manor itself had seen better times. It was when they returned to the recreation room that Mayumi's husband, Ryousei, came out of what seemed to be the inn's staffroom, wearing drawstring pants and a T-shirt and wiping his hands on a towel. Akane noticed immediately that he was about her father's age, also dark-haired and with a fairly unassuming expression. His stride, and the manner with which he carried himself, however, denoted confidence and aplomb. After introductions had been made, her impression was reinforced, and she recalled the comments Mrs. Saotome had made, during the cab ride over, about her sister and brother-in-law. "So, Neechan, have you met Ranma yet?" asked Ryousei, honestly curious, while he and Mayumi served tea for their guests. "No, not yet," Nodoka replied, and added with a glimmer of hope in her eyes, "But I finally caught up with him the other day. I have a feeling I will meet him soon." She turned to Akane, "And I know I can count on Akane-chan to keep him in place when that happens." Oblivious to the nervous sweat rolling down Akane's forehead, Ryousei continued. "It's too bad Rui's not here yet. Something to do with training, I think." He then turned to the Tendou girl and, with a knowing grin, asked, "So, Akane-chan, how's your father? Did he finally get rid of He-Who-Musn't-Be-Named?" "Er, no, not yet..." Akane stuttered, "Um, so it's true you trained with my father and Mr. Saotome?" A wistful look crossed his eyes, "I tried to, anyway. We were pretty close back in school. But then they went on to train with the Old Master and I somehow lost track of them..." "'Somehow' being that he wasn't fast enough to escape from all the girls they stole panties from," Mayumi quipped helpfully. Ryousei slapped his forehead while the others laughed. "Uh, yeah," he admitted. "But that's the way I met Mayu- chan." "He stole your underwear?" Ranma asked her aunt. "And right out of the laundry basket!" Mayumi smiled, and added with half-lidded eyes, "Maybe he was peeking at me at the time...!" She and Nodoka giggled, with the latter adding a couple "How manly!" every now and then. Akane and Ryousei forced smiles while Ranma just stared in shock --realizing with each passing second that her father might actually be the sane one in the family. Further small-talk followed, letting Ranma see a side of Nodoka she had never imagined. In this environment, with her sister and her brother-in-law chatting animatedly with her, Mrs. Saotome nearly became a different person --one that was far stronger of mind and heart than what she had seen during those brief visits to the Tendous'. Ranma could easily tell what her father had seen in Nodoka, aside from her family name: she was very energetic, controlling all conversations and with a fleetness of mind uncharacteristic of the Saotomes that Ranma knew, both in attention (which she easily diverted from one topic to another) and in thought (it wasn't rare to see even Ryousei bow down to comments or suggestions made to him by his sister-in-law.) Akane, for her part, watched in fascination as Ranma became engrossed with her mother's revealed personality. She had to admit -- she had never seen Mrs. Saotome unfold so smoothly, even considering that this was her close family. But the way Ranma hung to her every word, no matter the topic at hand, let her know that things were not as bad as they had seemed; indeed, under this new light, Mrs. Saotome appeared perfectly capable of understanding, and likely even accepting, Ranma's curse. Unwittingly, Ranma smiled. Akane reached out and held her hand for reassurance, startling the redhead but without interrupting her smile. The remainder of the day was spent quickly and in the cheer of a close-knit family, leaving both teens lighthearted and astounded at how different the Saotome/Hisame branch was from their own. Unfortunately, Ranma's cousin had not yet arrived, and she silently dreaded the idea that her uncle might pull a Soun Tendou and fix her up with him. All she had heard of this mysterious cousin was that "Rui" was fond of rough contact sports, had more than a few unrequited suitors at school, and, most notably, was a bit of a martial artist as well. Thus it came as no surprise when, by nightfall, she and Nodoka entered the room only to be assaulted by a Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan tag-team. Actually, it was only in poster and wallscroll form --nearly every available surface in Rui's room was covered in some sort of martial arts or Chinese paraphernalia. Aside from said posters, there were pictures of tournaments, magazine clippings and the occasional yin-yang lithograph. As she squinted at a framed photo on top of a dresser, Ranma guessed that his cousin was the guy standing on the third-place platform, along with that blonde on second-place and the chubby old man on first. So her cousin was a decent, if normal, martial artist. Must run in the family, she figured. On the other hand, the countless books on meditation, mythology and... locksmithing? Those threw her off somewhat. "You'll be sleeping here tonight, Ranko-chan," Nodoka said. Ranma eeped and stared at her in shock. "B-but, but, but..." "It'll be all right, dear," her mother reassured. "Akane-chan and I will take the guest room, but if Rui-chan comes back you two will have to share the bed..." A look of sheer horror was Ranma's only reply. * * * The first rays of dawn greeted Akane with an orchestra of crashing waves as accompaniment. A hundred feet above, in the house atop the cliff, the adults still enjoyed the sleep of the dead. Ranma, clad in a simple one-piece swimsuit stood in the water, stretching both hands out to her; an amused smile adorned the redhead's face, irritating yet endearing at once. "Okay, this is it!" Akane said to herself, "Now or never!" "What, the complete ruin of any fashion sense you coulda ever had?" Ranma quipped. "Shut up and give me your hands!" Akane fumed at her snickering fiancee and waddled over to her. However, the huge flippers on her feet, the pair of inner tubes around her waist, the inflatable pads on her arms, the life-vest and scuba tanks on her torso, and the visor on her face made her stride rather... gauche. "I *will* learn to swim today, and that's that! And stop laughing, Ranma!" With a vein nearly popping on her forehead, Akane forcefully grasped Ranma's hands and let herself flop down into the water. The redhead just rolled her eyes and played along. This lighthearted game (or test of fire, in Akane's eyes) served perfectly to set them at ease. Night at the Hisames' had proved itself a memorable affair. The wind chimes had been a nice touch, at least until the ferret knocked them down and turned their breaths into wailing choirs. But at least the feline philharmonic that followed was right on tune outside Ranma's window. And the trees outside Akane's performed a delightful shadowplay of twisted fingers that scratched silently at her and Mrs. Saotome's faces. In hindsight, the tofu man shouldn't have blown his horn at full blast when he came by in the morning. He barely escaped alive from the two girls with the bloodshot eyes. At least, it wasn't as bad as it could have been --or so Ranma thought. The (in)famous cousin she kept hearing about hadn't shown up yet. Due to the lack of worry from his parents' side, she assumed he was as fond of long training trips as she was. Finding herself unusually calm, Ranma looked up at the violet and pink clouds and smiled. Pulling Akane along only halfheartedly, she considered the revelations of the previous day. Meeting not only relatives she didn't know she had, but also a Nodoka Saotome that was very different from the traditional, oblivious one she was used to. Briefly, she remembered the incident of Ryuu Kumon --the warrior that, by impersonating Ranma Saotome, had made his way into Nodoka's heart. Now that she thought about it, it was then that her mother first showed hints of this revealed personality. Despite her happiness at having found her "son," Nodoka had remained very close and protective of her extended family, and eventually discovered the ruse while leaving no room for reproach towards Ryuu. The person Ranma had seen last night was far beyond that, imbuing her with the warmth of a great pride and love for her mother. It even washed over the shock of realizing what Nodoka's definition of "manly" was. A grunt and the spatter of legs in the water brought her down to earth, and for a few instants Ranma glanced wistfully at her fiancee. Akane wouldn't be able to experience these feelings, and all of a sudden it saddened her. "Brr... the water's pretty cold here," Akane said. Absentminded, Ranma continued to pull her along. How old had Akane been when her mother passed away? At least she still remembered her... "Uh, Ranma? It's getting deep and cold in the part. We can go back now." Had Mrs. Tendou been like her own mother? Maybe Akane took after her, what with her strong personality and all. What would things be like-- Hmm, the water was deeper there than at the beginning. She could barely stand on her toes anymore. And it was freezing, too! Anyway... what would things be like now, if Mrs. Tendou was still alive...? "Ranma!" The surprising fright in Akane's voice ripped her back into reality. Ranma barely had enough time to listen to the deafening crash of the wave that loomed above them, finding herself tossed forcefully at the cliffside, after which all was silent. * * * The constant crashing of the surf was softer now, even though it had been unbearable a few minutes ago. That was good, because the cavern was a magnificent resonance box --all sounds, even the rhythmic dripping of limewater onto the ground, were amplified tenfold by the solid granite walls. Now all that remained of the powerful wave-breaking was a soothing, almost lethargic breath that pulled the sea breeze into the darkened hall. It was almost as if the previous watery assault had been intended, or so Akane thought. Turning away from the mouth of the cave, through which light surged with blinding intensity, she faced her fiance as well as their savior, who had finished wrapping Ranma in a fluffy white towel. "Really, thanks for helping us out there," Akane said. The girl in the white swimsuit waved her off, smiling, "Told ya already it's okay. But y'were lucky I was 'round 'n' saw ya." She placed her hand on Ranma's forehead, and paused for a second before leaning away and sitting on her heels. Akane, for her part, stepped around the unconscious redhead and sat behind her, lifting Ranma's head to let it rest on her own lap. "How did you do that, anyway?" Akane asked, fixing her eyes on the girl opposite her. "It was... incredible." Said girl faltered for a moment, as if embarrassed. "Oh, that? Uh... that's... that's sum'thin' I came up with a couple of months ago. Never thought it'd actually be useful." She scratched her head in discomfort. Akane stared at her for a few instants, trying to understand why this girl was uncomfortable. The way she had caught them, and how she had rescued them from the raging waves, had left her speechless. And where had she come from, anyhow? But at least she was sure of one thing: her earlier suspicions had been correct. Why, bearing in mind that this girl was two years younger, only the hair and eyes were different. "Uhh..." came a low groan. "She's waking up!" the girl said. At first, Ranma knew nothing but darkness. All of her body felt numb, frozen. She could remember nothing of what had happened, aside from a sensation of dread that blanketed her mind. Then, slowly, a vague source of light appeared before her, along with a soft murmur, as if that of a crowd. She let out a groan, and tried to open her eyes. "It's all right... you're okay now..." she heard a distant whisper. Her entire being felt heavy, but after a brief struggle she managed to open her eyes. And when she did, she stared in silence at the sight. A dark, long tunnel stretched beyond her, filled with chanting voices. She wore pristine robes of white, and she could feel warmth around her still form. But before her, was a creature that let her know exactly where she was. It was an angel, she thought. Golden hair, crystalline, yet with a reddish hue that turned it into a cascade of flames. Eyes like twin sapphires, of such depth it seemed she might fall inside them. It also wore white robes, but of such a substance that it was alive with soaring birds. And it had an ethereal, enigmatic beauty that shone further still with the round halo that framed its figure. "I-I'm..." she managed to stutter. Her thoughts then completed the words, "I'm dead. It-it really happened this time. It's not like the train. I'm really dead now. I-it can't be..." "You'll be safe now," the angel said. "Everything's okay." No wonder her body felt cold; it was probably a remnant of what having a body had felt like. And the warmth must be coming from this angel. But... funny. She had always thought that these guys showed up only in girl's comics and on the weird books and rituals of foreigners. If anything, it should have been a family spirit or something who welcomed her. The angel just stared at her, quizzically. She was about to try to speak again when she became alarmed. What had happened? Where was Akane? Would... would she never see Akane again? H-how was she supposed to deal with that? Did this mean she would not get to tell her that... that she... "Akane..." Ranma whispered, the name flowing unbidden from her lips. "Ranko-chan? Are you okay?" responded said fiancee's voice. Ranma suddenly rose to her feet in shock, spinning around to find Akane sitting in the darkness of the tunnel. She also wore white, her skin pale and cold. "Akane?!" she yelped. "A-Akane?! W-what are you..." Her face then became white as a sheet. "Oh n-- Akane, don't tell me you're... that you also..." "Uh, yes..." Akane replied, as if confused. "We ended up here together, remember?" If it had been possible, Ranma would have paled even further. "Then it was my... fault...?" A look of annoyance crossed Akane's brow. "Well I kept telling you to go back! You just kept on going until wham! We got hit!" Seeing Ranma pause, Akane thought she was going to retaliate with the usual barrage of insults. That jerk! Acting like it wasn't his fault, like he didn't know what happened! However, she was more than slightly surprised to see the redhead drop to her knees and yell out a shrill "Nooo!" "What's going on?" the blonde girl was severely confused. At the sound of her own voice, Ranma looked down --only to discover she wore a female body. She screamed even louder this time. "Aaaah! Why am I still like this?!" "Ranko, calm down!" Akane said, covering her ears. Ranma turned around, and saw the angel again. "Aaaah!" "Ranko!" And Akane was dead too! "Aaah!" "You'd think she saw a ghost," quipped the angel. "AAAAAH!" A mallet fell, and so did silence. Ranma now lay, face down, on the hard stone of the cavern. Akane quietly fumed while the blonde tried to figure out what had just happened. "O...uch..." uttered the redhead as she gingerly touched the bump on her head. "That... hurt... wasn't supposed to... up here..." "What the hell was that all about, Ranko?!" Akane pulled her up by the pigtail and shouted in her face. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I got you dead, Akane! Don't kill me again!" "_What_ are you talking about?! I'm not dead! Now tell me what that was supposed to mean before I kill you!" Ranma calmed down somewhat, and blinked. "You're not dead?" Akane shook her head. "B-but what are you doing here? Ain't I dead?" "Not yet, anyway," Akane said, irritated, and almost reaching for a handy stalactite to smash Ranma with. "Um, did I miss something here?" asked the remaining girl. Ranma whirled to face her, and at long last her eyes focused; her resulting facefault resounded all throughout the cavern. What she thought of as an angel was actually a very cute girl, about fourteen or fifteen, wearing a one-piece white swimsuit with a phoenix design printed across the chest and stomach so that its tail went around to her back. The white robes were also actually towels, the tunnel was a cave cut into the cliffside, and the round halo was just the light coming in from outside. Oh, and the choir was simply the surf that came into the cave. Blushing the same color of her hair, Ranma sat up and rubbed the back of her head, grinning stupidly in embarrassment. "Uh, guess I'm not dead, then, huh?" The blonde chuckled, comprehension dawning on her, and she said, "No, but you almost were. I had to take ya out of the water before y'drowned." "She saved our lives, _Ranko-chan_," Akane said, poking the redhead in the ribs as she emphasized the name. "Why do you keep callin' me that?" Ranma said. "Mom's not around here, is she?" "Anyway," the other girl said. She wiped her hand with the towel, and extended it. "I'm Ruiko Hisame! Nice to meetcha, Ranko- chan!" (tbc) Jorge A. Pratt jorgepratt@prodigy.net.mx terbril@rocketmail.com